Who i am
Name : Abiev Andrew
Address : Ukraine, Kharkiv. Kuryazhanskaya street, house 16 Index 62417
Phone : 0205704164
Mobile : +380984251436
Email : andreyka.abiev@gmail.com
Website : github.com/FelixCukerman/homepage
- Hard-headed
- Sometimes severity
- Sometimes slow
- Nihilist
- Seductive
- Even temper
- Plodding
- Curious
- Desire to help
- Tolerance
I was born
I learned to read
My first cigarette
My first book which i read
Time of school life and moral stagnation
I begin to study programming in pascal
I come the Kharkov Patent and Computer College
I'm trying to write a game in C++
I fell in love with C # and begin to explore it
Time of mental imbalance
I'm find peace of mind
I developed a course project on databases in C#
I heard about Binary Studio
I'm trying to come in Binary Studio